Petre is not a good man and Valeria is unwilling to marry him because of his cruel and abhorrent nature of beating women. In order to run away from her fate, Valeria vows to seduce the older brother—Vasile, to escape from her predicament. However, not all goes as planned because Vasile wants to claim her completely as his. I really enjoyed this book and its two main characters. Vasile was a contradiction because he was a good man and but also dominant when it came to dealing with Valeria. I was surprised by him but his domineering nature made for some rather titillating moments between he and Valeria. I also liked Valeria because she made the best of her situation but had a mind of her own and spitfire personality. In the end, I thought Vasile and Valeria were a great match and I loved their sexy moments together. I highly recommend this!
*This ARC was generously provided by the author and publisher for an honest review*
Rating: ★★★★☆
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