Friday, October 23, 2020

Lion by Amber R. Duell & Candace Robinson

Lion (Faeries of Oz, #0.5)I've been wanting to read this prequel ever since I first heard about this series. The Faeries of Oz is a twisted take on the Wizard of Oz and I cannot be more excited! This one features LION and his betrayal of Oz and in a sense, Dorothy as well. He is siding with a witch named Langwidere who collects heads to adorn. I would actually like to know more background information about Lion and Langwidere. These are the not the same characters we all know and love. What has happened since Dorothy left Oz? During this time, Lion has been wanting and waiting for something more.
"Lion didn’t want power for himself—that was too much responsibility—he simply wanted to be close to power. To be needed and important now that he had the courage to become someone of note. He only hoped it would be worth it."
With Oz losing his mind, Lion has decided to become Langwidere's executioner and lover. I am both disgusted and intrigued. She is cruel, narcissistic, and power-hungry. Lion has dedicated himself to become Langwidere's "knight" and she his queen. I was shocked by the love scenes. While not explicit, they were done very tastefully.
"She thought about her original head, the one she’d burned to ash once she’d collected her first prize to replace the old. The kill had come from a fae before the female was to be married, already dressed in a white gown."
It's incredibly interesting and I can't wait to read TIN which features Dorothy and the Tin Man as the main characters. In the end, I thought this was a great "Halloween" creepy read because Langwidere is HEADLESS. She kills female fae for their heads. The reason why I'm so incredibly excited for TIN this December is because Lion has now set his eyes on obtaining Dorothy's head for Langwidere.

Rating: ★★★★☆

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