It's pure impulse that makes me lean forward, press my nose to his scalp, and breathe deep. He smells like man and musk and some indefinable scent of Elijah. It shouldn't be as intimate as kissing, but somehow it's even more private, more sensual, more primal, the way I've scented him.What's fascinating about this book is its connection to Wanderlust. Holly is Evie and Hunter's oldest daughter. She is only 16 years old in this book, which had me really concerned. Elijah was a little bit older, more mature, and obviously new what he wanted. He was a predator. I'm really curious to see how Holly and Elijah's story will play out because the synopsis for Diamond in the Rough intrigues me. It states that the heroine will be kidnapped, but I wonder... by who? If it's who I think it is, this must mean that Elijah has become more worldly than the man he was in this prologue. Some of the things he said could be a foreshadow of what's to come in the actual book.
As if he feels it too, he growls. "You don't get to steal that from me. Not without giving it back." Then he grasps my hair in his fist and brings it to his nose. He breathes in audibly, as if savoring the smell of me... "Salt. Sunshine. The goddamn ocean. Why do you smell like the ocean?"
You don't know the way I have sex. It's rough, Holly. It's... disrespectful. Cruel. You deserve better than that, especially for your first time... You should know better than to talk to someone like me. You should be afraid of me. And most of all, you shouldn't trust me."Overall, I really enjoyed this short novella and/or prologue for Diamond in the Rough. It's going to be another thrilling series from Skye Warren and I absolutely can't wait!
*This ARC was generously provided by Valentine PR & Literary Management and Skye Warren for an honest review*
Rating: ★★★★☆
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