As for the story and its characters, Whore had a mix of mystery and romantic suspense to it. It doesn't read like a traditional romance novel. The way Aster tells Lilith Fontenot's story is very unique. While we do get two different perspectives, Lili and Soti's, this book is essentially about Lili's journey as well as her growth and transformation through her experiences and connections with two very different men: Nico Santelli and Soti Christos. All I can say is that readers will not be torn over who should be the one to end up with her.
In the end, I thought this was a fantastic book and some of the characters, especially the evil ones, got what they deserved. I thoroughly enjoyed Whore and even though I was sad Lili only got to experience a little bit of happiness for a short amount of time, the end result was truly satisfying. You will cry tears of happiness and even sadness. I do have to say that Soti was definitely my favorite character. He might be one of the sweetest heroes I have ever read and his love for Lili since the very beginning made the book for me.
* This book was provided by Willow Aster and her team for an honest review.
Rating: ★★★★☆
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