Natalie proves to be an interesting character albeit very frustrating and annoying one at times. At a certain point in the book, I literally wanted to bitchslap her because her stupid actions and words when she spoke them without thinking about the consequences. *SPOILER* She sort of "redeemed" herself to Sevastyan after the loss of Paxan and Filip. Damn that traitor! I'm still heartbroken over Paxan's death though. *END SPOILER* By the end of the book, Natalie does change for the better and becomesmore sure of herself regarding her desires for Sevastyan. You go tell him what you want, girl!
On the other hand, Sevastyan is an intriguing, dark, and complex character who I would love to know more about. His actions and personality can be contradictory in regards to his feelings towards Natalie. Furthermore, his relationship with her is rather unstable due to his inability to talk about his past and emotions. However! The one thing I love about Sevastyan is his possessive and alpha tendencies for Natalie and considers her his.
Like I've said before, Sevastyan's sexy possessiveness makes for a super freaking hot coming together between he and Natalie. Holy wow! The things that they do together in this installment... and I'm already looking forward to more. Overall, this was another wonderful addition to The Professional even though Cole ended Part 2 with another cliffhanger. At least we won't have to wait too long for the conclusion of Sevastyan and Natalie's journey!
Rating: ★★★★★
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