Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Stalk Me by Bianca Cole

Stalk Me (Beautiful Monsters #1)For my first Bianca Cole book, I was thoroughly impressed by her story-telling, writing, and characters in Stalk Me. Sofia and Nikolai's relationship was incredibly sexy, romantic, and even dirty at times because of the dd/lg kink. The romance between Sofia and Nikolai was the strongest point of the book and the author did an excellent job building the chemistry and romance between our two main characters. I was completely fascinated by Nikolai's constant pursuit of Sofia and how she ultimately fell for him despite knowing that he was a dangerous man. As the main title of the book suggests, Nikolai was completely obsessed with Sofia and wanted to know everything about her—he even went so far as to stalk and monitor her. I would be creeped out in real life but this is fiction so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I knew it would ultimately come back to bite him, and it did. I loved that Sofia confronted him and Nikolai even felt ashamed because of it.

“From the first moment I saw you, you consumed me. Every thought, every breath—just you. I couldn’t bear not knowing what you were doing.”

In the end, this was a wonderful start to a brand new series and I absolutely can't see what Bianca Cole has in store for Dimitri and Natasha—Nikolai's brother and Sofia's best friend. I'm certain that we'll be getting books for the rest of Nikolai's brothers as well. There was a slight age gap between Nikolai and Sofia but it didn't detract from their romance. I loved that the author primarily focused on their growing relationship. The love scenes were incredibly spicy and had me on the edge of my seat. Although the last part of the book was bogged down by drama between Sofia and her long-lost family, I still enjoyed this book nonetheless. If you are look for a steamy mafia romance between a totally obsessed and possessive hero who deeply loves his malyshka, I highly recommend Nikolai and Sofia's story because it will hook you right in.

*This ARC was generously provided by the author for an honest review*

Rating: ★★★★☆