* * * This review will contain major spoilers * * *
Many hours later, I'm still grieving over the loss and this darn book.
The Shadows
had me crying from start to finish and I honestly still can't wrap my mind over what just happened. The last 20% had me bawling and I was literally a mess! I've been looking forward to Trez and Selena's story ever since
Lover's At Last
when they first met and started to fall in love. To have everything end this way devastates me. They were the one couple who deserved the most happiness; and instead, all they got were a few days to enjoy what life had to offer. You can literally feel the love Selena and Trez had for one another while reading this book and just thinking of it now brings me to tears. So no, I am still definitely
not okay. But yeah, you'll definitely be needing a box of tissues for this installment. My eyes are still sore from crying, sighs.
Besides iAm, there were a few characters who have played and who
will eventually play a bigger role in future books: Layla, Xcor, Rhage, Paradise (
Blood Kiss
), and Assail. Layla and Xcor's relationship made me so mad and sad at the same time. They've been dancing around each other for awhile and in this book, things do escalate a bit. But what Xcor decided to do in the end? God, it made me want to throw a table. Rhage was actually featured a lot throughout the book and it's no surpise that Ward has decided to write the next BDB book about him. Yay! Paradise was introduced in this book and unfortunately, I didn't really care for her even though she does seem like a likeable heroine. Maybe I'll like her a lot better later on. She was just overshadowed by Trez and Selena's story. Assail.... I don't even know what he wants at this point. Just go get your girl back. You're becoming a shadow of yourself and getting into even more dangerous situations all for the sake of your business empire.
As for iAm, he does get his happy ending and it comes in the form of the s'Hibe. While looking for a cure for Selena, iAm comes across a maid named
maichen and there is an instant attraction. What she reveals to both readers and iAm will change the course of the entire story forever in future books. Although I was happy for iAm (and I still am), I felt like his story was pushed to the back burner in comparison to Trez. Lots of instalust happening, which was really not fair to fans who have been eagerly waiting for his love story. Hopefully, Ward will resolve this issue because I just can't believe that Trez's beloved QUEEN is gone. I don't
want this to be the end. I don't
like the fact that Selena will be waiting for Trez in the Fade. Why?! Selena never wanted to die and she never wanted to leave him behind. In the end, I personally believe this book had a
tragic ending instead of a happy one. iAm will always feel guilty that he got to live with his mate while his brother lost his one true love. If this is the payment Trez had to pay for everything iAm has done and suffered for him, then it's too high of a price. Even though this book broke my heart into tiny little pieces, Trez and Selena's story deserved no less than 5 stars. They will forever go down as one of my favorite and most heartbreaking couples.
Rating: ★★★★★