Let me just start out by saying that I have been a fan of the Pregnancy & Passion series ever since I've read
Enticed by His Forgotten Lover. The last installment however? Not so much. I was really looking forward to Cam and Pippa's story... only to be sadly disappointed. Cam had always intrigued me ever since the beginning. He was such a pessimestic guy! What happened to him?! I had expected to be "dazzled" by him and be able to empathize with his character. Sadly, I did not. As for Pippa... Wow. I wanted to strangle her at times! The author writes her off as this independent, strong, and fierce woman but all I can see is someone who is way too dependent on her friends, rash, and has a temper problem. I could
not connect with her character
at all. I tried to like Pippa, don't get me wrong, but I stimply could not. Cam was just too wishy-washy and Pippa demanded so much from him when he told her from the very beginning that he did not do relationships. She wants a relationship while Cam wants no strings attached. What will become of them now?
Out of all the problems that I had expected Cam to have, it was definitely not this one. We all knew that from the very beginning, Cam was the one who often frowned upon his friend's relationships with their women.
Apparently the reason why is because he had lost his wife and son to some unknown reason all those years ago. I'm not even sure if he ends up telling Pippa what exactly happened. Maybe. But I'm still confused.
Well anyway, Cam has been interested in Ashley's friend, Pippa, for quite some time. Ever since he met her at one of Devon and Ashley's housewarming parties, it's been attraction at first sight. Pippa has also been noticing Cam as well and these two hit off with sparks flying between them. They end up having a one night stand... and things take a turn. Ah, the usual type of scenario right? While reading this book, I ended up being so frustrated with these two that I'm not sure I wanted to continue. Halfway through the book, I still feel no sympathy whatsoever for Cam and Pippa. Pippa annoys me to no end because even though she comes off as this fearless woman who's not afraid of a fight, she's so weak when it comes to Cam. Oh, and don't get my started with Cam.
After finding out that Pippa was going to have a son, he starts acting all jerk-like and cold towards her. As for the reason why, it's because he feels that by having a son with Pippa, it would be like replacing the memory of the son that he had lost with his first wife. Talk about a guy who needs to move on!
Undone by Her Tender Touch did not exactly leave me satisfied. But I'm truly happy that each and every one of the guys had their happy ever after.
Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for granting me access to read this book!
Rating: ★★★☆☆