Isla and the Happily Ever After is the third and possibly last book in the Anna and the French Kiss series and we have all waited a very long time for it in anticipation. I can't even begin to describe how happy and heartbroken I was by the end of this book. I am not ready to let these precious characters go... I want to read more about life and what may happen to them in the future. But even so, I know it's probably for the best. Anyway, starting from the get-go, you're immediately thrust into Isla's head and her interactions with her long-time crush, Josh Wasserstein. I adore Isla when it comes to her witty responses and dorky personality as well as her depreciating manner. And Josh! How can I ever forget him. The sweet, funny, and just adorable artist whom Isla has had a crush on since forever. They're literally a match made in heaven and I loved how adorable they were together.
"It’s midnight, it’s sweltering, and I might be high on Vicodin, but that guy - that guy right over there - that’s him. The him."Many readers may say that their love happened way too quickly, but that's where you're wrong. Josh has always noticed Isla and she, him. Although they didn't get together, Isla became the one person who truly mattered and one whom Josh came to love dearly. I knew from the beginning that there would eventually be heartbreak between Isla and Josh... and Stephanie Perkins definitely delivered. Many tears will be shed, you hear me! I was absolutely devastated starting from 60% to the end. Something really sad happened and Isla begins to doubt herself as well as her relationship with Josh. Don't get me wrong, I actually sympathized with her. Josh was becoming, well, rather distant. He barely had time for her and not to mention long-distance relationships don't always work out in the end. Thankfully! Everything worked out in the end for those two because I was near the breaking point. I wanted things to work out between them so badly and that separation nearly broke my heart.
"I’m... getting there. I’m beginning to think that maybe it’s okay to be a blank canvas. Maybe it’s okay that my future is unknown. And maybe, it’s okay to be inspired by the people who do know their future."Rating: ★★★★★