Monday, January 2, 2023

The Encounter by Cassandra Robbins

The EncounterThe Encounter by Cassandra Robbins was everything I wanted and more for Jax and Ava's story. I'm so looking forward to what the author has in store for them next following this incredibly steamy and intriguing novella. Jax has been a recurring character in some of the author’s previous books including Power and The Entitled duet—which features his twin brother, Reed Saddington. What makes this story interesting to me, however, is the fact that Ava and Jax have a history together. While they were not friends, they did briefly go to the same school and he intentionally sought her out. Unfortunately, we don’t know why but I’m hoping the author will shed more light on their past in the full story.
“My heart is pounding and my body feels sensitized, as if one touch from this man might destroy me. I hope he does. I want to feel so badly, just have someone’s touch that doesn’t make me want to hide in shame.”
While this prologue merely offers us a glimpse into what kind of story Jax and Ava’s romance will turn out to be, it does give us enough to understand their desires, motivations, and want more of it. Ava has lived a difficult life and the sudden death her mother left her alone and vulnerable to the preying hands of others at the age of sixteen. It pained me to learn that she was forced to follow in the steps of her mother—becoming a mistress to rich men. However, Ava did not disappoint me because she wanted more for herself and subsequently left that life behind to start anew. And this point in her life is when she meets Jax again. What ensues is a night that will leave them addicted and wanting more. This is only the second book that I've read from Cassandra Robbin and I absolutely love her writing, the way she portrays her characters, and sexual tension between her main characters. From what I know, Jax and Ava's book will be coming this year and I'm already so excited for it. There is no denying that Jax and Ava's chemistry was intense, immediate, sensual, and erotic. I can't wait to learn more about these characters and what will become of them.

Rating: ★★★★☆

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